Nele Mini

Our Nele product family has grown. In addition to sizes 0 to 2, size Mini is now also available.

Mit der Nele Mini werden Kleinstkinder ab einer Körpergröße von 65 cm versorgt, die darin zum ersten Mal eigenständig sitzend am Alltagsleben teilhaben können. Profitieren Sie von einer minimalen Unterschenkellänge von 10 cm sowie einer minimalen Sitztiefe von 12 cm.

Nele Mini was designed for very small children from a height of 65 cm, who can now take part in everyday life sitting independently for the first time. Benefit from a minimum lower leg length of 10 cm and a minimum seat depth of 12 cm.

The handling of Nele Mini is very simple and user-friendly - just as with all other Nele activity chairs: You need hardly any tools and a perfect adjustment is possible at any time thanks to its modular design. The unique tool-free seat depth adjustment is also characterizes the activity chair.

Nele Mini offers a wide range of accessories, such as wall and furniture bumpers, height and/or angle-adjustable push bars, various therapy table versions or diverse options for the footrest. You can also order your personalised name sticker now.

Nele Mini either offers a height adjustment via gas spring and Nele Mini Classic includes a manual height adjustment that clicks into place.